Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Prodigies

As you may or may not know, ever since... well, birth, I suppose, I've loved anything to do with words. Writing, reading, stories, speeches, acting, talking, you name it. As a toddler this manifested itself in endless streams of babbling and I guess in some ways not much has changed (I mean - have you read this blog?). As I got older my family, friends, and teachers nurtured my affinity for words, whether by reading my poetry and stories or by attending my various performances or (and perhaps this is the most award-deserving) simply listening to my endless rants.

Now, as I teach others to read and write and speak the English language effectively, there is nothing more rewarding about my job than seeing the fruits of my labor displayed in an assignment from one of my students. I am so lucky to have so many students who are eager to learn and anxious to please me (and yes I like the feeling of power that comes with being the wielder of the red pen).

That said, I am happy to share with you some absolutely fantastic stories my 5th graders recently wrote for me. Now, remember, not only are these 5th graders - they are 5th graders who are writing in a second language. How many of us could write a coherent story in a foreign language. I know I couldn't. Anyway, enjoy and be wowed:

The Student
by Hyun-Jung

Min-Ah and Sarah are in fifth grade. They are good friends and they are same classroom in school. One day their teacher says, "We are going to have the math test tomorrow". Sarah studied very hard. But Min-Ah didn't study math. She played with her friend.

Today is test day. They had a test. Sarah thought, "Wow it is very easy". Because yesterday she studied very hard. But Min-Ah thought, "It is very difficult". Because she didn't study. Later the teacher gave the test papers. Sara was perfect. But Min-Ah wasn't perfect. So Min-Ah went home and her mother gave her a hard time. So Min-Ah was sad.

Later the teacher said, "We are going to have the English test tomorrow". Min-Ah studied very hard. Today is test day. They had a test. Later the teacher gave the test papers. Min-Ah was perfect. So she was very happy. Her friend said, "Wow, Min-Ah your test is perfect! I envy you!" Min-Ah was very very happy. At home her mother said, "Wow your test is perfect! Great Min-Ah! Thank you!" So Min-Ah studied very hard so she began to be a good student.

The End

Makes my hear melt! Are you inspired? Keep reading!

A Love Story
by Ha-Yeon

In the year 5000, at a school, there was three friends. There was a very short and ugly girl named Cherry. There was a very tall and pretty girl named Corn. There was a very tall and handsome boy named Ice. Cherry was a friendly and kind girl. Corn was a bad and unkind girl. And Ice was a good and kind boy.

Cherry and Corn both loved Ice. One day, Corn made a confession of love to Ice. But Ice didn't like Corn so he refused her. So Corn got angry and said, "Who do you love?" He said, "I love Cherry." She said, "Cherry? She is ugly!" He said, "But she is kind."

Corn got very angry. So she wanted to hit Cherry! But Ice protected Cherry from Corn. In the year 5010 , Cherry and Ice fell in love and got married. So they bore a child. And they named it 'Cherry Ice Cream'!

Man, I love these kiddos!
More later!

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