Monday, January 12, 2009

12/27/08 - Cambodia

Our trip day 1....

Here we are all excited at the airport in Korea, waiting for our flight to Siem Reap, Cambodia (we had a brief stopover in Hanoi, Vietnam on the way).

Outside the pretty airport in Siem Reap - 75 and sunny!

Inside the airport (how many airport have you been to that have a disco ball?)

The Angkor Hotel - where we stayed for 3 nights

Our bags being taken to our room - the hotel was really nice and the breakfast every morning was amazing!

All freshened up and ready for our first night out in Cambodia!

There were 2 options for transportation at night - on the back of a motorbike for about $1 or in a tuk-tuk for about $2. Either way we were guaranteed a hair-raising ride, which inevitably involved driving into oncoming traffic for extended periods of time (see the photo). A tuk-tuk, by the way, if you don't remember from my Thailand trip, is a cart with seats pulled by a motorbike. It's a great way to ride!

Us in the tuk-tuk

Motorbike traffic - everyone rides a motorbike, and you usually see more than one person on them, often entire families of 4 or 5 including little babies.

Enjoying one of the best parts of traveling in Southeast asia - eating amazing curry outside!

My travel buddy and great friend Tabi (from Toronto)!

first restaurant we went to in Cambodia

one of many incredible dinners - Cambodian curry a.k.a "Amok"

Another delicacy, this one a bit less appetizing to me - cockroaches for eating!

Shopping at the night market which was full of scarfs, art, souvenirs and handmade crafts

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