Monday, October 13, 2008


Not too much happening lately...

I've been making some new friends lately which has been nice. One girl Tabi and I have been hanging out a lot, she's from Toronto. We get along well and are thinking of traveling together in December. This Thursday one of my friends is having a Mexican dinner party and another friend is having a formal party on Saturday. I'm trying to put together a party for foreigners in my building the following weekend since there are so many and I have yet to meet most of them as I only see them in passing and we live on different floors.

I made Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner this weekend! It's actually the 2nd Monday in October but we celebrated on Sunday evening. I went import shopping on Saturday to get all the ingredients and then had the wonderful task of cooking all the food with only one stove burner. It all turned out great, though, and everyone enjoyed it. I am very lucky to get to go home for Thanksgiving this year but most of my friends won't be able to so I wanted them to be able to celebrate here.

I'm still considering India for Christmas but am now also considering a tour of Vietnam & Cambodia instead. I'll keep you posted on what I decide.

I've been watching all the most recent Phillies games here since they show post-season MLB and the World Series on Korean TV. I wasn't able to watch any of the regular season games so it's nice that the Phillies have made it this far. It's a tiring hobby though as the games are very early in the morning here (one was at 5:30am last Saturday!!) but it's been really fun to watch.

I had a very sad experience on Saturday. I was waiting for the subway and a man came up to me and said, "America?" and I said yes. He started yelling and cursing at me in Korean and saying what a bad country America is and telling me to go back there. Nothing like that has ever happened to me here, people have never been anything other than kind toward me so this was really upsetting. He has clearly a jerk and we got away from him as quickly as possible. :(

On a happier note, I'll be home in NJ for a visit two weeks from Friday! I hope to see many of you then!

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