Thursday, June 12, 2008

June News

Well, it's almost 1/2 way through June. I have less than 4 months left here in Korea. It's so hard to describe how I feel these day. I want to savor these last few months and really make the most of them. At the same time, knowing I'm more than 2/3 of the way done makes me anxious to finish and come home! White water rafting was a blast. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I'm waiting for pictures from my friend's camera so I can post them. I'll write a separate post about the rafting when I get the pictures.

In other news...I have tickets to see South Korea play North Korea in a World Cup Qualifying Match on June 22nd. It will be quite strange I think. There will, of course, be no North Korean fans at the game. But it will be so incredible to see the two countries play. It's a big game too. Both teams really need the win.

The weather is really heating up. You wouldn't know by the way Korean people dress though. Korean women are afraid of the sun. Being tan in this society still comes with the assumption that you are poor and work outside (an archaic idea but it's still alive and well here). Many Korean women young and old carry parasols when they are outside to protect them from the sun. Even if they're just walking around the city. I have to admit, as someone who loves to lay on the beach at the Jersey Shore, soaking up the sun, it's a strange idea. Also, Korean people generally sweat less than Westerners. So even when it's hot you'll see many people wearing long pants and long sleeves. The heat just doesn't affect them the same way.

Teaching is still wonderful. Right now I have 8 classes on M/W/F and 4 classes on T/Th. I got the most precious note from a student yesterday. I didn't edit it, because it's cuter that way!

"Dear Teacher. I loves you. Because you is very wonderful and beautiful. Because your face is very wonderful and your eyes is very beautiful. Thank you for being my very happy teacher. You are my wonderful teacher. I love you, teacher! Love, Seung-Hyun."

That is the kind of thing I will miss.... That and the fact that they always always always have perfectly ripe avocados at the grocery store here. I love that!

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