Friday, December 12, 2008

Have you eaten rice?

Yesterday I ordered Korean food and when the delivery guy came in and gave me my food he smiled and said simply, "Big Sock". At first I thought he was speaking Korean but then he said it again clearly. "Big Sock." Having absolutely no idea what he was talking about I giggled nervously, smiled, and said, "Oh! OK!".

Later that day as I left my apartment it became clear what he had been trying to say. I have a big red Christmas stocking on the outside of my front door. A big sock!

Speaking of Korean food, yesterday my kids and I were studying the food pyramid and nutrition and we had to make a list of all the food we ate this week. If there were any doubts about whether I've adjusted to the food here, stepping back and looking at what I've been eating lately put them to entirely to rest. Here are two days from my list.

breakfast - rice, vegetables, egg, seaweed
lunch - rice, vegetables, egg, hot pepper paste, kimchi
dinner - rice, chicken, vegetables

breakfast - rice, vegetables, egg, seaweed
lunch - spicy pork, rice, vegetables and kimchi
dinner - kimchi & rice dumplings, kimchi

Can you tell I live in a country where the question is not IF you will eat rice, but rather what you will eat WITH your rice? In fact in Korea when one person asks another person whether they've eaten yet, the question is literally translated, "Have you eaten rice?"

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