It had a horribe texture, was way to spicy, and left a fishy aftertaste in my mouth.
I did NOT like it.
Kimchi is an essential part of any Korean meal. The spice most closely associated with modern kimchi is red pepper powder but it is also seasoned with garlic and seafood. Korea boasts more than two hundred types of kimchi, all rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins created by the lactic acid fermentation of cabbage, radish, and other vegetables and seafood. Nutrients or not, I am thus far NOT a fan of the kimchi. There is still time though...Hey at least I tried it! I have made a vow with myself that I will try everything at least once. Yes, even the dried squid:

By the way, squid is low in Saturated Fat and Sodium. It is also a good source of Niacin and Zinc, and a very good source of Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Phosphorus and Copper. And come on it LOOKS delicious. Especially all dried up and squished in a bag like that. You can't tell me that does not appeal to you. I, for one, can not wait to get my hands on some!
Squid? Less than a month over there and you have already lost it! :-)
Squid - go for it!
I hear that it is completely untrue that the tentacles stick to your throat ;-)
calamari is good...so why not...
is this the same girl who was silent for several hours after dissecting a cow's eye????
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