So to celebrate my new apartment that actually has separate rooms (a big deal after 1+ years in a studio!) I threw a housewarming party for all of my friends. About 25 people turned up... it was a lot of fun. Here are some pics...

Me with all the food I spent two days making for the party - before it was devoured!

First few guests/my closest friends here. From L to R clockwise Fran, Jamie (Hyo-Jin), Glenn, Dan, Dickie

the party grows...

boys being boys - misbehaving (Drew, Glenn, Dan)

girls being girls and not causing any trouble at all (Marie, Sarah, Kay)

Korean girls... Green, Jennifer (Ji-Hoon), Kelly (Kyoungee)

Re-enacting something funny that had just happened so I could take a picture. Glenn opened a beer, the cap somehow ricocheted off the ceiling and right into Fran's drink! :)

Aw - Katie, Taylor, Dickie, and Jamie

Drew and Green being silly

Dan and Fran - such a cute couple!

The shoes of my friends! :)